Where is the funny? Sometimes it’s very hard to find. Humor can help us through difficult circumstances. It can help us cope with impending doom, or overwhelming frustration. It can help us gain perspective when we take ourselves too seriously. It is fun to harpoon and lampoon our shared frustrations – it brings us together.…
Found coupons for additional dollars off my laptop purchase. Pulled the trigger as I had planned. Laptop should show up in a couple weeks! I am looking for a way to extend the life of my laptop. Because I tend to trial a lot of software – I am subject to rapid registry bloat. This…
I had a great conversation with a key client yesterday. We realized that we had been talking about a product release strategy for almost three months, without being aligned. Yet for three months we agreed with each other. When we realized that we did not understand the same things from our discussion, we had a…
Today I realized that the entrepreneur in me is stymied by enterprise level bureaucracy I work in. I send 5 ninjas to assassinate Putin and he sends the red army to lay siege to my town. I step on the gas pedal, accepting the risks, while the entire management hierarchy stands on the brakes, so…
a new computer
I am actively in the market for a new computer. The notebook that I have been using for the last five and a half years is slowly capitulating to the inevitable. The HP Pavilion ZV5000Z was a screamer back in the day, and the 1600 x 1050 15.6 inch wide screen was truly a revelation…
a new PIM
I am trying chandler – the open source PIM (personal information manager). I have my stuff for the week in, and will let you know my opinions as I go forward. I have my to do’s in, but don’t have my who’s figured out yet. that is an interesting arrangement – because I am responsible…
an interesting model
I was surfing my way through some pages about personal information management software, and I found my self on Mitch Kapor's blog. Mitch Kapor is the founder of Lotus Corp, and the original author of Lotus 1-2-3 – the spreadsheet that virtually everyone used before Microsoft completely dominated the desktop office software in the late…
Early Delivery Part 2 (from my old blog)
Early delivery has been considered the first commandment of agile. In the principles behind the Afile Manifesto, the first paragraphs says: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Early and Continuous delivery of valuable software… I take this to mean that we are going to structure…
Early Delivery (from my old blog)
Glen Alleman of the Herding Cats Blog in his post “Make Speed Not Haste” has once again taken an agile concept out of context. In this case, it is about “early delivery”. “Instead if seeking to be early how about seeking to On Time. The planned need time. The date that the plan shows…
In his excellent management skills blog, Tom Foster posts a brief series on Procrastination. Brad, a middle manager, procrastinates and brings the organization to a state where they are months behind on a major project. Tom spends a lot of time talking about time-span, as a predictor of management qualification. I appreciate this, as it…