Six Things I Have Learned About Staffing Software Development Teams

This is a collection of observations about things that managers and leaders of software teams encounter or trip over.  This post comes out of a series I am doing about IT Staffing Strategy, but these are localized to the software team, not the larger strategy picture.  These are very similar to Johanna Rothman’s excellent Management

IT Staffing Strategy Principles

Posting about staffing strategy. I think that staffing strategy applies at any level of the organization chart, and there are some basic principles that are universal and intuitive. I think that in Information Technology we sometimes lose sight of those basic principles, and skew our staffing strategy or worse, don’t understand or misapply the principles. 

What are you leading?

Differences Between Classes of Leadership What are the essential differences between the act of leading an initiative and the act of leading a staff, a team, or an organization. Hypothesis: the differences center around the goal against which that leadership is expressed.