Curation Collection #2

“Q: What change models work? Q: How ot be agents of change? (as coaches)” This was an insightful list of questions related to enterprise agile adoption.  I like questions because they are less likely than answers to lead to one-size-fits-all-suits-none solutions.

I like the cult of done.  I like the manifesto – I posted the poster included several places in my workplace.  Good reminder of why done is important.  “Done is the engine of MORE!”

An interesting look at the way that the “power culture” of an organization interacts with agile adoption strategy.  When your organizational culture has a high power index in the large, then every reorg or management change presents a challenge to agile adoption.  “When I see organizations with a high power differential, they keep falling back to command-and-control approaches, because the power differential is so ingrained in their culture.”

Interesting look at product from a VC perspective.  Caused me to ask how people see me as a product.  I work inside “the enterprise” I am not marketing product to VC, but I constantly market myself to others.  “CHICKEN LIVE IN CAGE. NO CAN HAVE PERSONALITY INSIDE CAGE.”  — smash cage, light barn on fire do that you win…

 – @paul_boos @bre @johannarothman #grimlockquotes

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