Glen Alleman of the Herding Cats blog is one of the most experienced project managers I have ever read. His background is amazing. He is bright, and has practical knowledge of projects that I will never have. However, he is missing the point on agile and velocity. I recently read his post “Simple Never Is”…
Metaphors in Requirements
This week I was asked to review job descriptions for analyst roles within our IT function. The roles were “Analyst, Business Systems”, and “Senior Analyst, Business Systems”. The person who asked me was looking for my opinion because I am strongly opinionated, blunt, and have experiencing hiring and leading business analysts and requirements engineers. She…
Requirements Success Factors
Last January my role was redefined, and since then I have been managing two teams covering diverse aspects of two software programs. The first team is responsible for requirements, functional design, quality assurance, and the second team is responsible for support. In this role, I have been focused on analysis and have been interviewing more…